09 September 2008

Pit Bull in Lipstick

So maybe you can explain this to me... How in the world did Sarah Palin become bulletproof. I certainly realize that it is still (though not THAT early), but this election cycle has really got me befuddled. I know Karl Rove is a political genius and all, but I didn't quite realize that he was a magician! It has about five days since John McCain's boooooooooooooring, substance-free acceptance speech, and six days since the "Pit Bull in Lipstick" burst onto the scene, and they are still getting a free pass from the "liberal elite media." I really thought Americans were tired enough of what has been going on in Washington that they would actually pay attention to this election. Apparently I was wrong....

Anyway, I'll use this spot to post articles and blogs that are for the cause - spread the word, people...McCain/Palin needs to be stopped!!!

http://gawker.com/5045353/seriously - Good article called "Sarah Palin: Seriously?"

http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_stump/archive/2008/09/01/sarah-palin-s-lamest-line.aspx - Blog from "The New Republic" about Palin's co-opting Hillary's "glass ceiling" comments and making them her own.

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