17 March 2009

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Duit

For those of you that don't speak Gaelic (which I'm assuming is everyone), the title of this means "Happy St. Patrick's Day." Hope everyone had a good one. I know I did - mostly because I didn't hear anybody say "Everyone's Irish on St. Patty's Day." That saying has always bothered me. Not everyone is Italian/Portuguese on Columbus Day. Not everyone is Black on Martin Luther King Day. So why is "everyone Irish on St. Patty's Day"???

Anywho, off my soapbox. For a blast from the past, here's a picture from last St. Patrick's Day, which was Morgan's first. She was 2.5 months old at the time.

Fast forward to Morgan's second St. Patrick's Day - i.e. today. She's now 14.5 months (see how I did the math there?!?!?).

They just grow up so fast, don't they? You can't tell here, but we were mostly wearing matching pants as well as green polo shirts. Only, one of our pants didn't have pink embroidered flowers on them. Guess whose??

Happy St. Patrick's Day again.

1 comment:

Tara M said...

I love Morgan's picture from last year and this year! She is soooooo cute! It was great to see her this weekend too (we missed you, Jay, but sounds like you're having fun!). She is adorable!